HBA Response to Medical Supplies Urgent Need

March 19, 2020
Dear Valued Members:
We are all impacted by COVID-19, and we are doing everything we can to continue advocating for the homebuilding industry during these unprecedented times.
Due to the intense need for hospital supplies, most especially respirators, the home building industry, as well as the construction industry at-large, has the ability to provide immediate help toward this pandemic on a local, state and national level.
Today, we hope that you will commit to an industry-wide drive to show that homebuilders are working together to help the healthcare system fight COVID-19.
Time is of the essence.
Here is how you can help:
- The healthcare system needs masks and eye-protection equipment. Please consider if you, your trades or suppliers can donate a portion of their current supply to our drive.
- Please designate someone in your company to reach out to your teams to work on donations. The HBA of Metro Denver, HBA of Colorado Springs and Colorado Association of Home Builders will coordinate how to get these supplies to the facilities and agencies that are most in need.
- Contact the HBA of Metro Denver (ctalbert@hbadenver.com or cdahl@hbadenver.com), HBA of Colorado Springs (Lisa@cshba.com) or the Colorado Association of Home Builders (ted@hbacolorado.com) about any supplies you can donate and we will work with you to handle the logistics for collecting the supplies.
As you know, our advocacy is in place. We are working hard to make sure our industry can continue with inspections and permitting, as well as being considered an “essential industry” as we address this national pandemic that touches all of us. Please know that we have been in touch with OSHA regionally and nationally, asking them to provide alternative, approved safety measures for our field workers without fines so that we can help our front-line medical heroes. We are working with NAHB and our Congressional leaders, as well as our local governments.
Together, our members will make a tremendous difference in these unprecedented times. Thank you.
In Safety and Health,