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CAHB’s Newest Member Benefit: The Pinnacol Assurance Safety Group Program

The CAHB, AGC, CCA, and IEC of Southern Colorado have joined forces with Pinnacol Assurance to offer a safety group program designed to reduce workers' compensation costs by promoting safety and claims management practices in the workplace. The safety group program brings together groups of businesses with common risks that are committed to maintaining and enhancing industry-leading safety and claims management practices. If you qualify for the program, you receive access to resources and assistance for establishing safe working conditions.

Members' premium is based on their organization's individual claims history. No member will pay more for participating in a safety group program than they would as a non-participant, and you earn additional savings on your worker's compensation costs with an up-front discount.
For the entire list of participating agencies and more information on savings, support, and requirements as well as to apply please visit the CAHB website:
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