InterConnections – May 2021
Welcome to your new monthly Membership Newsletter from the HBA of Metro Denver. InterConnections provides our membership with member news, celebrations, events, FAQs, and more! |
May 18, 2021 |
In-person Events are Returning! With statewide mask mandates lifting, slowly and safely, we are reintroducing in-person events back on our calendar. Click here to check out the events calendar on our website for daily updates and below for more information on what is to come this summer! |
Have You Submitted Your HBA Rebates? |
Please join us in welcoming our most recent new HBA Members! |
Congratulations to the below companies celebrating their anniversary during the month of May. Thank you for being an integral piece of the HBA! |
Membership Survey Feedback
What do you believe the HBA excels at?
We will be sharing feedback from our membership survey that was completed earlier this year. However, we are always open to hear any thoughts, ideas, or comments you may have! Please email me about how well we are doing and/or what we can do to help improve your HBA Membership. |
Make Use of Your UPS Shipping Discount!
Click here to learn more and take advantage of this great perk! |
2021 Denver Building and Fire Code, Denver Green Code adoption process – Your Input is Needed
The City and County of Denver is adopting a new building and fire code, which will incorporate the 2021 series of international codes, as well as advance the voluntary 2019 Denver Green Code. To kick-off the code adoption process, the City has created a series of working groups to consider updates to energy and holistic sustainability requirements in Denver's building codes and regulations. It is important that our members participate in this process and share their interests, concerns and priorities. The initial energy performance stakeholder meeting related to residential building will take place on June 1st from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Read More
Did You Know?
Monthly, we will highlight a fun fact or opportunity you may not be aware of.
What is the SPIKE Club? Your membership is one of the most valuable resources for building your association. Just as a nail in the home building industry is essential to the development and strength of a building, volunteers who recruit and retain members play a vital role in the growth, development, and stability of an association - they are our “Membership Champions.” Back in 1953, to recognize and reward dedicated members who worked to recruit, involve and retain members, the NAHB Spike Club was created. Over the years, the number of Spike Club members has grown to more than 16,600 — including Builder, Associate, Affiliate, and Peer members. The NAHB Spike Club is a tool to encourage your members’ involvement in membership development. The NAHB Spike Club is composed of all the individual members and employees of members in local associations who have attained Spike status. It is a vehicle to recognize these members for their outstanding achievements in member recruitment and retention in their local home builders association. For more information about SPIKE Credits and the Club, please click here. Does your business provide a steal or deal that our members can benefit from? Email me information and it may be featured in an upcoming newsletter! |
MEMBER Directory Updating
MEMBER Events & Announcements
Did you know that these listings are free to all members? Log in to your HBA member profile on to discover how to post your own event listing or other company announcements here and on! All Member Events & Announcements are also shared on HBA Social Media Channels as a free member benefit!
Looking for Ways to Volunteer at the HBA?
Become an Ambassador! The HBA’s Ambassador program helps welcome new members to the association. If you would like to reach out to a few members each month and show them the ropes of the association please email me!
Current Job Openings
Did you know that these listings are free to all members? Log in to your HBA member profile on to discover how to post your own listing here and on! All Job Openings are also shared on HBA Social Media Channels as a free member benefit!