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The HBA Advocate Newsletter | August 6, 2024


August 6, 2024

In this edition:

  • Aurora Careers in Construction Program Now Active
  • Aurora Updating Unified Development Ordinance
  • Town of Castle Rock to Consider 0.2% Sales Tax for Police and Fire Services
  • HBA of Metro Denver to meet with Town of Castle Rock on Restrictions Placed on Marketing Signs and Placards in Right-of-Way

Aurora Careers in Construction Program Now Active

The City of Aurora - in partnership with Careers in Construction Colorado, the public school districts in the city and the construction industry - has launched a program to increase opportunities for Aurora's high schoolers to prepare for their future careers.

The Aurora Careers in Construction Donation Fund program allows companies to make a voluntary contribution of $25 per new single-family residential permit and $200 per new commercial permit to fund the Careers in Construction Colorado's Home Builder's Institute curriculum. This curriculum enhances career and technical education for Aurora high school students. The voluntary donation is made during the permitting process, and companies may opt-out as desired.

The State of Colorado has 182,000 construction employees in 2023, and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment projects that the industry will need 220,000 employees in 2027, or 38,000 additional employees (plus retirement replacements) within the next four years. While this need for construction employees presents a monumental challenge for the homebuilding industry, it also creates a tremendous career opportunity for today's youth.

The HBA of Metro Denver is proud to have played a leading role in getting this program implemented in the City of Aurora and looks forward to future partnership opportunities with surrounding local governments within our HBA’s jurisdiction. You can learn more about the Colorado Careers in Construction program here.

Aurora Updating Unified Development Ordinance

The City of Aurora has recently taken up the arduous task of updating its UDO and requested the HBA’s participation in the process. The overarching goal for the City is to encourage the production of more housing, increase density while maintaining livability, improve approval timelines for residential development and increase housing affordability. To achieve this objective, the City has created a Housing Analysis Roundtable as a way to solicit feedback from the building and development community. In order to ensure all of our builders have an opportunity to participate in this process, the HBA of Metro Denver submitted a letter on behalf of our industry last week outlining the priorities, recommendations and proposed amendments. The HBA of Metro Denver will continue to participate in future Roundtable meetings. You can review the HBA’s letter and proposed recommendations here.

Town of Castle Rock to Consider 0.2% Sales Tax Increase for Police and Fire Services

Castle Rock Town Council is considering placing a question on the November 2024 ballot to increase its sales tax by 0.2 percent in order to hire 22 police positions and 18 fire positions by 2029. According to the Town, Castle Rock has been shifting funding away from road maintenance since 2022 to hire police and fire personnel. Now, resources are plateauing and cannot continue to meet the police and fire department’s staffing needs over the next five years. The proposed sales tax increase would generate approximately $3.75 million annually for police and fire personnel, as well as freeing up additional revenue for road maintenance, parks and recreation, and annual funding for arts and culture in Castle Rock.

While this ballot measure would not directly impact the residential construction industry in Castle Rock, it would help alleviate ongoing revenue challenges within the Town government. As you might remember, the HBA of Metro Denver worked to defeat a $7 per square foot residential construction tax put forward in 2021 to help fund police and fire service in Castle Rock - a proposal that we felt unfairly singled out aspiring homeowners to fund services that are meant to benefit all Town residents. This proposal would help solve this problem in a more equitable manner while ensuring adequate public-safety services for the Town’s growing population.

HBA of Metro Denver Holding Discussions with Town of Castle Rock on Restrictions Placed on Marketing Signs and Placards in Right-of-Way

A number of our builders in Castle Rock have grown impatient regarding Castle Rock’s approach to recent enforcement of sales signage for their communities. Area builders were informed late last year that the Town is no longer sponsoring or allowing common wayfinding signage going forward in the right-of-way and their enforcement has resulted in a number of citations.

According to the Town, the prohibition for any sign in the rights-of-way, off-premise signage, and wind sign types like flutter flags and balloons is not new and has been in the Town’s regulations for more than 20 years.  However, enforcement over the years has been spotty during the week and generally non-existent on weekends, as they only have one zoning inspector.  Last April, Town Council directed staff to begin more regular weekend enforcement of the existing code, as complaints have increased.

Last fall, the Town also decided not to renew its contract for its Sign Plaza program. According to the Town, the sign plaza program was put in place many years ago and was thought at the time as a legal way to allow new neighborhood/builder directional advertising.

Both of these changes have created limited opportunities for area builders to effectively market their products. The HBA of Metro Denver has held an initial meeting on June 17 with Town Manager Dave Corliss, Director of Development Services Tara Vargish and Town Council Member Max Brooks on to discuss this issue and see if any alternative solutions or compromises can be found. Ideas like renewing and improving the plaza program, allowing limited ROW signage for registered businesses and alternative permitted signage options have been floated as possible solutions.

We are happy to report that the Town seemed open to our ideas and has committed to working with us to find a meaningful compromise. The HBA of Metro Denver will be meeting with the Town again this month and is hopeful to find a resolution.

HBA of Metro Denver Issue Tracker
Questions on what is happening in a specific city or county? The HBA is regularly monitoring the council and board activities in every political subdivision in the metro Denver area. Our Issue Tracker offers a great resource to learn about the issues being deliberated with links to agendas, packets and ordinances. The HBA of Metro Denver HBA Issue Tracker is available  to all members here.


HBA is looking for Members to Participate in Advocacy, Regulatory and Technical Committees in 2024

As a volunteer-driven organization, the HBA's Jobsite Safety CommitteePermitting CommitteeRegulated Utilities Committee and Stormwater Management Committee help guide the HBA's events and activities throughout the year. Consider joining one, or more, if you want to build strong, long-lasting relationships and make a difference to your fellow HBA members, while sharpening your leadership skills. Please visit the HBA website for more information or reach out to Morgan Cullen if you are ready to participate.

Thank you to HBA's 2024 Organizational Partners:

Corporate Partners:

Contact Connie Dahl for more info on becoming an HBA Sponsor, or visit for more information!

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