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The HBA Advocate Newsletter | October 1, 2024


October 1, 2024

In this edition:

  • Metro Housing Coalition (MHC) Hosts 2024 Annual Political Forum
  • MHC Makes Endorsements for 2024 County and Municipal Candidates
  • HBA Board Votes to Approve Local Ballot Measures
  • Town of Erie Set to Increase Water Tap Fees by $20,000

MHC Hosts 2024 Annual Political Forum

On September 26, the Metro Housing Coalition (MHC) hosted another successful Political Forum at the Highlands Ranch Mansion. The annual event provides the MHC an opportunity to raise valuable resources to support pro-business and pro-housing candidates throughout the Denver metro area. It also gives the HBA an opportunity to highlight critical policy issues that impact the residential-construction industry across our jurisdiction. This year, the annual forum highlighted the ongoing issue of water conservation and sustainability. The MHC would like to than our Moderator, Jeff McGovern, and esteemed panelists - Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman; Brock Smethills from Sterling Ranch, Tim York from Aurora Water and Kathryn Weismiller from the Colorado Water Conservation Board - for participating in this year’s discussion. We would also like to thank our event sponsors for their generous support. The forum couldn’t happen without your leadership and dedication.

MHC Makes Endorsements for 2024 County and Municipal Candidates

With this being an even-numbered year, all Colorado counties and four metro Denver municipalities will be holding elections this November, These elections will have far-reaching implications for the residential-construction industry and our ability to meet the needs of aspiring homeowners. With attainable housing in metro Denver consistently ranked as one of this year’s most critical issues, the Metro Housing Coalition has made a concerted effort to elect more pro-housing candidates up and down the ballot. Issues like inclusionary zoning, impact fees, net zero energy, rent control, metro districts, permitting delays and construction defects have been top of mind for policymakers and elected officials over the past couple of years, and all of these issues will continue to have a monumental impact on residential development for years to come - making this year’s election extremely important for our industry.

To that end, the MHC Board just completed its outreach for the fall election cycle. In total, 58 questionnaires were sent to candidates in five counties and three municipalities. Twenty-nine follow-up candidate interviews were conducted, and 20 candidates ultimately received the MHC’s endorsement. While this process can feel a bit arduous, it is invaluable for the HBA of Metro Denver to get to know the new and returning elected officials who will be making important decisions that will significantly impact our ability to deliver attainable housing for years to come. The MHC Board appreciates all of the candidates who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in this important process. A full list of the 2024 MHC-endorsed candidates is available here.

HBA of Metro Denver Votes to Approve Local Ballot Measures

In September, the HBA Board of Directors voted to support three referred measures on the ballot in our local jurisdictions this November. Castle Rock Town Council placed 0.2% sales tax on the ballot increase to hire 22 police positions and 18 fire positions by 2029. According to the Town, Castle Rock has been shifting funding away from road maintenance to hire police and fire personnel since 2022. Now, resources are plateauing and cannot continue to meet the police and fire department’s staffing needs over the next five years. The proposed sales tax increase would generate approximately $3.75 million annually for police and fire as well as freeing up additional revenue for road maintenance, parks and recreation, and annual funding for arts and culture.

While this ballot measure would not directly impact the residential-construction industry in Castle Rock, it would help to alleviate ongoing revenue challenges within the Town government. The HBA worked to defeat a $7 per square foot residential-construction tax put forward in 2021 to help fund police and fire service in Castle Rock - a proposal that we felt unfairly singled out aspiring homeowners to fund services meant to benefit all town residents. This year’s sales-tax proposal would help solve this problem in a more equitable manner while ensuring adequate public safety services for the Town’s growing population.

Additionally, the Arapahoe and Jefferson Board of County of County Commissioners passed referred measures asking voters to release the counties from TABOR’s tax-limiting constraints, so that the governments can retain the money it collects going forward. Known colloquially as deBrucing, the measures would relieve much of the fiscal constraints that have led both counties to have chronic budget shortfalls over the past decade. The shortfalls have forced them to defer maintenance on roads, infrastructure and other critical programs, like public safety and efforts to combat homelessness.

If passed, the measures will add an additional $74 million in tax revenue annually in Arapahoe County and $22 million in Jefferson County without increasing tax rates. Funds in both measures will be dedicated to improving roads, traffic systems, housing solutions, and public safety, ensuring that the counties maintain a high quality of life residents and businesses. Both counties asked the HBA of Metro Denver to support the efforts, highlighting the growing need for revenue as they continues to be important areas for future residential growth.

Town of Erie Set to Increase Water Tap Fees by $20,000

On September 24, the Erie Town Council considered a significant increase to its water tap fees for new development in the Town. The proposal would increase the tap fee and raw water dedication fee for a three-quarter line from $37,153 to $57,550 - a total increase of $20,397. The last time this fee was increased was back in 2019. The Town is justifying the dramatic increase due to increased valuation of the existing assets and additional need for capacity, along with future infrastructure projects outlined the Town’s 10-year plan. The HBA of Metro Denver was disappointed that Town staff did not conduct any outreach to the association or the development community prior to bringing this issue before Town Council last week.

The Town Council has repeatedly sited housing affordability as a high priority for the municipality, yet has repeatedly passed expensive mandates and fee increases in recent years that contradict this assertion. The Town of Erie is simultaneously considering implementing a new inclusionary zoning ordinance that apparently will be paid for almost exclusively through massive increases on new market-rate housing.

The HBA of Metro Denver testified in opposition to the new tap-fee increases last week, citing the need for additional dialogue with the development community as an appropriate next step prior to the Town Council making a final decision. A final vote on the matter was delayed until October 22, and the HBA of Metro Denver will continue to engage with Council and staff during the interim. If passed, the new fees will go into effect 10 days after passage, providing very little lead time for the development community to plan for the large increases.

HBA of Metro Denver Issue Tracker
Questions on what is happening in a specific city or county? The HBA is regularly monitoring the council and board activities in every political subdivision in the metro Denver area. Our Issue Tracker offers a great resource to learn about the issues being deliberated with links to agendas, packets and ordinances. The HBA of Metro Denver HBA Issue Tracker is available  to all members here.



HBA is looking for Members to Participate in Advocacy, Regulatory and Technical Committees in 2024

As a volunteer-driven organization, the HBA's Jobsite Safety CommitteePermitting CommitteeRegulated Utilities Committee and Stormwater Management Committee help guide the HBA's events and activities throughout the year. Consider joining one, or more, if you want to build strong, long-lasting relationships and make a difference to your fellow HBA members, while sharpening your leadership skills. Please visit the HBA website for more information or reach out to Morgan Cullen if you are ready to participate.

Thank you to HBA's 2024 Organizational Partners:

Corporate Partners:

Contact Connie Dahl for more info on becoming an HBA Sponsor, or visit for more information!

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