Call For 2025 Sponsorships ~ Support Your Association Today!
All HBA sponsorships will expire at the end of December, and it is time to think about sponsorships for 2025.

Download 2025 Sponsorship Information at
Our sponsorships at the HBA run for the calendar year, from January to December, and we have the 2025 sponsorship packages available for your review at
As you may have heard, there are new annual Organizational Partnerships that are available that provide huge brand exposure as well as benefits to all of the HBA events that you and your guests would like to attend, as well as rare opportunities to provide content to the HBA blog and email newsletters among other benefits. The Organizational Partnerships display your company logo on every single page of the HBA website along with every promotional piece for the HBA, regardless of who is sponsoring or hosting it. If you have seen any of the flyers, emails or newsletters that have been sent in the past year, you will have seen the Pella Windows and Doors of Denver, ENT Credit Union, and Fusion Sign & Design logos on everything – those are the sponsorship levels I am referring to.
The three levels of Organizational Partnerships are the Premier Partner ($40,000), the Official Partner ($25,000), and the Corporate Partner ($15,000). Each of these levels include Category Exclusive sponsorship presence at all HBA signature events as well as continual brand presence on everything communicated by the HBA. The return on investment for these packages are all over 250%, the best value that we can provide. The HBA would be honored to have your company participate at one of our Organizational Partnership levels for 2025.
2025 will be an interesting year for the HBA and our members, and we would love to have you as one of our overall sponsors – as either an Organizational Partner or another level. Especially in 2025, your partnership with the HBA will truly make an impact. All of our Signature Events and Council level sponsorships are included in the packet too, so if only a few occasions or events are of interest, please let me know and I can tailor a special 2025 package that fits your needs.
Please feel free to shoot me an email with questions, or give me a quick call. I look forward to hearing from you!
Connie Dahl
HBA Vice President, Member Services