Emerging Leaders Program
Past and Present Emerging Leaders Class Participants
- Jared Balcavage, Forestar Real Estate Group
- Alex Bracht, Trumark
- Ashley Cronin, Renaissance Infrastructure Consulting
- Joe Ferris, Redland
- John Glover, HR Green
- Alex Kaminsky, Lokal Homes
- Tawni Ledford, Mountain Safe Exteriors
- Kathryn Morales, Meritage Homes
- Eric Penrod, Land Title Guarantee Company
- Gabe Perez, Oakwood Homes
- Michaela Schuette, Lita Dirks
- Caroline Ulibarri, New Home Co.
- Andrew Vercler, Brookfield Residential
- Cole Wadhams, Alpine Lumber
- Alex Ginter, Tri Pointe Homes
- Alexa Nickless, Berkeley Homes
- Bradley Morales, Taylor Morrison
- Chris Shurtliff, Anchor Engineering
- Cory McManamon, New Home Company
- Hannah Watson, KGA Studio Architects
- Jane Shanley, Oakwood Homes
- Jocelyn Verano, Ellis Design Studio
- Joey Dybevik, Cushman & Wakefield
- Josie O’Connor, Redland
- Matt Skinner, Cardel Homes
- Matthew Valente, Taylor Morrison
- Megan Cap, Lokal Homes
- Matt Long, Lokal Homes
- Evan Rumney, Redland
- Kayleigh Gillespie, Norris Design
- Ben Carlson, Norris Design
- Jorge Cedillo-Perez, McClure Concrete
- Sabrina Marben, Southern Land Company
- Tyler Bass, K2 Residential Solutions
- Andrew Gross, McStain Neighborhoods
- Jordyn Croom, On2 Homes
- Lauren Browne, Larsen
- Brian Faulkner, Ascent Builders
- Hayley Selden, Redwood Jane, LLC
- Jenna Myles, Brookfield Homes
- Bryan Conway, Cardel Homes
- Scott Chomiak, K&C Management
- Kristen Nelson, On 2 Homes
- Lindsey Givin, Capital One Spark Card
- Ryan Teater, Lokal Homes
- Catie Bower, Lokal Homes
- Galvin Rita, Oakwood Homes
- Travis Hendrix, KGA Studio Architects
- Damian Story, New Home Company
For more information on this program, or to nominate someone for our next class, please email Katie Evereth, HBA Membership Manager at kevereth@hbadenver.com
Since Fall 2022, the Home Builders Association of Metro Denver has the Emerging Leaders Program for nominated members. The purpose of this program is to develop future leaders who support the mission of the HBA. Over ten months, students develop an understanding of the depth and breadth of the association and the HBA Federation. When the program is completed, it is the intention that Emerging Leaders are willing to take on HBA leadership roles on issues, committees, councils, and boards through experiences and education.
Purpose of the Program:
The purpose of the Emerging Leaders Program is to foster leadership skills and engage candidates in the culture of the HBA as well as its committees, councils, and initiatives.
Objectives of the Program:
- Identify and develop future leaders that understand the depth and breadth of the association at the local, state, and national levels
- Contribute to the professional development of the candidates by helping them be community and association leaders
- Provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding and working knowledge of HBA councils, committees, advocacy, and events
Expectation for Full Completion of the Program – Discussion Topic:
Candidates who complete ALL of the following expectations are recognized at the HBA Board of Directors Installation at the Annual Membership Meeting.
- Attend all monthly Emerging Leader meetings (held on the second Thursday of the month from 3-5 pm at the HBA Office (unless otherwise noted)
- Attend at least one meeting of each required council and committee by October 8, 2022. Have card signed by the chair of the committee or council. (i.e., the Government Affairs Committee, Membership Committee, Job Site Safety Committee, Professional Women in Building Council, Sales and Marketing Council, etc.)
- Attend at least one HBA Board of Directors meeting and have card signed by board member
- Attend a joint task force (JTF) meeting with one of our municipal partners
- Participate in a Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CICC) or BuildStrong Academy event or project and HBF event or project
- Volunteer at an HBA event
- Attend the HBA Annual Meeting
- Attend Industry Night (Parade of Homes Kickoff)
- Optional: Attend one State Board meeting of the Colorado Association of Home Builders (CAHB)
Class Topic Examples:
- Executive Course Overview, Ideal Team Player Discussion, and Myers-Briggs Testing
- Speed Dating with Classmates – Get to Know the Class
- Industry Data – Zonda
- Government Affairs & Metro Housing Coalition
- HBA Philanthropy, the Home Builders Foundation
- Introduction to Workforce – Cherry Creek Innovation Campus, BuildStrong Academy, Pickens Tech
- Spokesperson Training